welcome to pridimensional!

with my website, I hope to showcase art prints and custom art pieces that I've made. my hope is to help people feel seen and understood. I mostly work with acrylic paint on canvas, though I also do printmaking and mixed media pieces, including sculpture and jewelry.

I started making art as a child, but took a years-long hiatus in 2012. Since 2020, I've leaned back into my passion for creativity by making art independently, and resumed taking art classes in January of 2023. It's been overwhelming, in the most wonderful way, to dive back into art and I am excited to share what I have created with the world. I would like to thank my family, professors, and friends for their support in my journey, and you for stopping by -- I appreciate you visiting and I hope you have a lovely day :)

This site is also a way for me to provide ongoing support to causes I care about. 20% of all profits will be donated towards charities that support marginalized people and populations.